Dr. Narasimhan R is a Pulmonologist with 37+ years of experience.
He has done more than 11000 diagnostic bronchoscopes in South India.
Dr. Narasimhan has done highest number of Pleuroscopies and has started Endobronchial Ultrasound unit in India.
Got the best Teacher Award from API Chennai Chapter Got the vocational Excellence Award from the Rotary Club of Madras North West for the highest number of diagnostic bronchoscopies in South India.
Has so far done more than 11000 diagnostic bronchoscopies the highest in South India.
Has done the highest number of Pleuroscopies in India Has started the Endobronchial Ultrasound unit in India and has done the highest number in one year with very high diagnostic yield (94%)
He is a faculty for many national and international conferences In the last 22 years as a chest physician has delivered more than 500 lectures on various pulmonary diseases
He is a regular writer in Health Watch section in The Hindu,
a well-known national daily Academic Honors On the Editorial board of Lung India as a section
Editor On the Editorial board of Chest India (ACCP) On the Editorial board of the Journal “Current Medical Trends” On the Editorial board of the Journal “Pulmon” On the Editorial board of Lung India as a section Editor for the Pictorial CME (A peer reviewed journal)
Editor in chief of the Indian Journal of Bronchology from 2003 for 3 years
He was now the President of the Indian Association for Bronchology for the year 2012-2013
He was a chairperson for the South Zone of the Indian Chest Society and also a Governing Council Member
He delivered the Prestigious Santhosham Chest Oration in the Asia Pacific Conference on Bronchology in Jaipur 2012
He delivered the Lupin Chest Oration in the AP Chest Conference in 2003
He presented a paper on EBUS in the ACCP conference in Hawaii in 2011 In 2012 he moderated a session on “Lung cancer and pleural Effusions” in ACCP Conference held in Atlanta, USA
He was a referee for the Indian Journal of Chest Diseases and Allied Sciences
He was on the Committee of GINA (Global initiative Against Asthma)
He was the Governor of the American College of Chest Physicians, SSouth India Chapter
He has contributed chapters in API Text Book of Medicine and the Text book of Respiratory Medicine by Jindal Organizing Capabilities Organized Indian Bronchology Conferences in 1995 in Chennai
Organizing Secretary for the ACCP South India Chest Meet 2001 in Chennai
Organizing Secretary for the ACCP South India Chest Meet 2003 in Chennai
Organizing Secretary for the Indian Bonchology Conference held in Chennai in Jan 2006
Organizing Secretary for the Chest Update in 2010 held under the auspices of ACCP
Organized many medical camps to create awareness on respiratory illness through Respiratory Research Foundation and Rotary clubs
Research And Publications
Polymerase Chain for Tuberculosis-Narasimhan R, Illangho RP, and Seethalakshmi- Lung India (1998), XVI, No.4 (Page 150 to 154)
Theophylline-Is it useful? Narasimhan R-Editorial Pulmon 2000:2;60-61 Wearing from Mechanical Ventilation-Editorial Pulmon 2003:5;2:41-42
Endobronchial Schwanomma-Narasimhan, Gayathri and Jayaraman-Pulmon 2004:6;1:26-30
Trans bronchial lung biopsies A retrospective analysis-Leading article-Pulmon Narasimhan R, Gayathri AR, Illangho RP-Pulmon 2004:6;2:44-49
A case report of endobronchial sarcoidosis-Narasimhan, Gayathri and Jayaraman-Current Medical Trends 8(3) 1600-1603
A typical presentation of a malignant pulmonary nodule-Narasimhan, Gayathri and Partha Karmakar-Apollo proceedings 2003 july (2), 28-29
Acute severe asthma-API Medicine Update 2005-501-505 Corticosteroids in Asthma-A brief overview-Respiratory Science Issue 3 2004 Pregnancy and TB, Glenmarkscience Issue.
Oct 1989 Levofloxacin in Adult patients with Nosocominal Pneumonias-R. Narasimhan Indian Medical Gazette Feb 2005, Vol. CXXIX, No. 2 Pulmonary Nocardiosis-A retrospective analysis-Gayathri, Aruna, Dr.R.Narasimhan-Current Medical Trends/9/2/April 2005
He has written a chapter on “Acute Severe Asthma” in Association Physicians of India Text book “Medicine Update 2005”
Written a chapter on “Ideal Bronchoscopy suite in book titled “Practical approach to Critical Respiratory Medicine,
Sleep disorders and Fibreoptic Bronchoscopy Organizing Capabilities Organized Indian Bronchology Conferences in 1995 in Chennai
Professional Memberships
Member of the Indian Chest Society
Member of the National College of Chest Physicians
Member of the National Academy of Allergy
Member of the American College of Allergy and Immunology
Member of the American Thoracic Society
Member of the British Thoracic Society
Member of the American Academic of Sleep
Member of the Asia Pacific Society of Respirology
Fellow of the American College of Chest Physicians
Fellow of the Indian Association for Bronchology
Member of European Association for Bronchology
Member of the American Association for Bronchology
Member of European Respiratory Society
Timing MON- SAT | MON- SAT (10:00 AM-12:00 PM | 02:00 PM-05:00 PM)